Tuesday 7 May 2013


Crows talk about you, you know. They have the unsettling ability to remember, and they have been known to hold a grudge. They remember your face. They chat to their neighbours about you, describing you in such vivid detail that crows who have never laid eyes on you will know you on sight. I'm not saying that they're petty - but don't ever throw stuff at them. 

I was very, very nice to them last year, and so far they don't seem interested in much more than stopping by. There has been no swooping, and I don't get the feeling that they're plotting against me. I did take this picture through the window from inside my house - just in case they're camera shy.

Crows are definitely eye-candy - like a big bag of horrible licorice gumdrops. When it comes to Spring fever, I really prefer the strong, silent type.

Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genies in the sand, they pretty much say all there is to say. Love you. M.